Thursday 30 May 2024

Summarizing facts appropriately in this existence 

It clearly  sinfully mocks the words of Christianitys Holy ghost spoken through Jesus in Luke 12:1-3 to not honor or address what Jesus says through Christianity’s Holy Ghost in Luke 12:1-3 fully.

In connection to mark 3:29.

Yet I'm betting the evil Devils who self righteously supposedly sinlessly download  videos on YouTube  and control their comments do not give a rats ass about what christianitys all divine holy ghost states through Jesus Christ in those words.

Especially self righteous proud devil women on earth today..


Chances are the evil Devils who self righteously supposedly sinlessly download videos on YouTube  think they are above the words of Jesus

 and above the words of Christianitys Holy ghost attached to mark 3:29'" Luke 12:1-3 and 2nd Peter 1:19-21.


That said?

By way of Hebrews 10:26-27 such devilish beings will soon unforgivably hypocritically try to   delete anything I appropriately write to the true glory of Christ in connection to both Matthew 12:37 and likewise Luke 12:1-3 on all counts in this life.

Which includes this information   I am about to attach here in honor of christianitys all divine holy ghost.

And Luke 12:1-3 likewise.

Of course they will.

Because that's what total Devils do in this life.

They hide the real truth of christianitys Holy words from people today.

O yes.

O well.

Aw yes.

O well.

Yet regardless? On that note? Despite that obvious truth? Still?

As Jesus warns in Christianity?


Come the Christian day of judgment?

Such beings who delete this video can explain to Christ why such idiots choose to sinfully mock the words of Christianitys all divine holy ghost in such an imbecilic idiotic way.




That said?

I now say this .

Once again to appropriately reiterate what I just wrote?

I know the downloaders of  videos on YouTube who defy christianitys holy ghost sinfully in every way will try to  not let my comments I address on YouTube stay on YouTube long.

It’s what devils always do in this life.

And that’s excellent for devils.:

Because the downloaders of  videos on  YouTube and their idiotic  marvelous  authoritys likewise deliberately sinfully unforgivably  self righteously callously hate what Christianitys all divine holy ghost says through Jesus in Luke 12:1-3.

That’s obvious when the actions of such wonderous self righteous idiots are appropriately evaluated properly in this life fully..

Yet that still doesn't alter the fact Christianitys Holy ghost is honorable and speaks truth.

As I do likewise.


Neither does that truth just spoken alter what Jesus says in John 10:34-35.

Or Matthew 24:35.

Neither too.

So through those scriptures of Christianity I'll supercede the idiots who deletes this holy comment I make here by copying and pasting this comment to this blog website




 I've written by way of Christianitys Holy ghost.

And place this comment I attach here to that holy website.


Just so YouTube and the downloaders of videos on YouTube are aware of that sacred truth.

Now,that said?

I now  address the following.  Worded 

As follows.

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 , christianitys all divine holy ghost claims , yes,claims in 2nd Esdras chapter  16:verses 33-34 that gloriously self righteous supposedly totally sinless devil  women on earth everywhere today who reign infinitely the so called deranged words of Christianity’s Holy Ghost in many facets of 2nd Peter 2 and Matthew 16:18-19 for example, will beg God to give them men to rape them on this planet in this existence soon in this life.

That’s what Christianity’s Holy Ghost  warns humanity of in 2nd Esdras 16:33-34 actually.

Regarding pending christian vaticinal events which connect to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 regarding this existence actually.

After God brings 2nd Peter 3:7-17 on all earthlings soon on planet earth .

I'm not kidding.

By way of 2nd Peter 1:19-21 glorious self righteous supposedly sinless total  devil  women everywhere on earth today or soon after today actually will soon start pleading with God to bring devil men back to earth to rape women on earth today.



Because 2nd Peter 3:7-17 and 2nd Esdras 13 warns all humanity today that God has had enough of evil men on earth presently.

In this present formation of this present existence of man.

And God will soon temporarily cleanse the earth of devil men.

On earth everywhere.

On that note actually.

Thats what

Christianitys Holy ghost  states to all creation is going to happen soon in this life in connection to 2nd Esdras 16:33-34 and 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

Aw yes. That is what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says to humanity there in this life.



What do gloriously self righteous so called sinless devil women on earth think of that amazing statement given to humans in this life through the Christian  saint Peter and saint Ezra too actually  by and through 

Christianity’s Holy Ghost ?

Good question? Eh?

O my yes.

For a time,regarding what was just addressed in writing here? in connection to 2nd Esdras 7:29-22 for example, 

Soon their will be no more devil men on earth anywhere 

for so called totally  sinless  devil women to torment in fact.


At least for a while.

Til c5q41 of the quatrains of Nostradamus are set into motion by the spirit of Christian prophesy in this specific life humans presently are consigned to on earth.

Regarding this time frame of humans in all factuality.

Which is a vaticinal matter of Christianity I appropriately explain to all humanity with properly addressed facts actually here.



And therefore ?


On that note?  Note this.

When this happens.

For a while no men will be on earth for a while on earth in this specific existence of man actually.

Regarding this specific existence.

Because God is going to briefly cleanse all the earth in this life  of devilish men.

At least for a little bit of time in this life.


When this happens all gloriously self righteous women on earth will go mental for a bit because no more devil men will be on earth to rape such self righteously glorious supposedly divine women on earth.

This will cause all women on earth to begin begging God to bring back devil men to earth so their will be men on earth for women to torment and drive nuts.

And so their will be men on earth to rape women.

At first women left on earth with no men will cry and WEP saying,, " please God, bring back the devil men for us to fornicate with

We have no devil men to rape us?

What are you doing you bastard God?!"

Devil women will cry out.

But then, women will realize their all alone .

And then they'll go nuts for a while because no devil men are left on earth for women to torture and drive nuts.

When this thought sinks in?

Then self righteous  women on earth will say, "' o well. Til God brings back devil men to desire us, we'll have to have passionate wild crazy lesbian sex with each other and drive each other nuts."'

For a while.

Til c5q41 of the quatrains of Nostradamus come to pass for this existence!"

That's what devilishly self righteous glorious women on earth today will shout at that conjecture in time in human history regarding this present formation of this present existence humanity presently dwells in.

Omy yes:

That's what Christianity warns humanity of.


I'm not kidding.

By way of 2nd Peter 1:19-21 through christianitys holy ghost it says so in 2nd Esdras 16:33-34.

Ooooh nooooooo!"

Cry all women on earth today.

No more men are on earth to be our sex toys!"

OMY God!""

All devil women on earth today will shout in total agony.

" What are you doing?


"'give us back devil men to rape us and have wild sex with us!"

You bastard God!"

Devil women on earth today will shout:

See 2nd Peter 1:19-21's connection to 2nd Esdras 16:verses 33-34 for confirmation to stated truth.

O my God yes!

It says so right there.

Woe nooooooooooo!!!

Cry devil.women!


We need at least a few devil men to want us!

What are you doing God?"

Devil.womenon earth will cry.

O my yes!!.!.