Sunday, 3 November 2024

Summarizing this existences real facts truthfully. Without deception present. Leaving no true factual stone unturned. In words images and videos. Patiently and truthfully. Pure and simple..

 Important videos to watch before addressing this blog website are as follows.


Watch this video.

Located in this link.


'Preferred staff parking at London Ontario Canadas former fabulous insane asylum."'

Secondly watch this video.


"'Manipulations being performed presently on various levels with Christ's original Holy  pre set space time continuum."'

Attachedheretothis blog website in this YouTube link.

Warning idiots at YouTube to listen to obvious logic? I would have been better off trying to ask a dog not to eat it’s own defacation.



See the contents of this video attached below on my YouTube station  for clarity to totally sane absolute obvious logic , on that simple matter. 

See also the contents of this blog website attached immediately below these words for factual clarity to such a matter.

clarifying truths which most self righteous deceitful humans hate to see clarified. 

For the record?
Regarding the contents of this video here?
Just for the appropriate sake of record?
Let’s note this rational factual truth right now.

Worded as follows.

Being naked is not sinful. 
As , just for the record, likewise, the Christian Jewish prophet isiah proves in isiah 20:2-4 connected to 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

 Literally speaking. 

The problem with that statement though is too many idiots on earth from this time frame of humanity are unable to not associate a naked human body with sex. Or sexual intercourse.

 That’s literally the problem with that statement. Yet for the record? 

Let’s clarify a truth right now. On such a subject? 

 Anyone who is unable to not associate human nakedness with sex is a twisted vain shallow demonic individual in human form. Connected to John 8:44-55. On earth today.’ 

If YouTube authorities are so vain in their stance on sex?
Then clearly YouTube authority’s need to also ban countless YouTube musical videos in pop rock videos on YouTube which , without actual nudity shown , in such videos, deliberately describe vivid sexual exploits in words.

And YouTube also needs to ban numerous other videos presently on YouTube not associated with music that have no actual nudity but rather talk about graphic sex acts between mortals on earth too.

Whatever videos mention sexual intercourse?
In any light?
They need to be banned .
Because such videos are associated with sex.

It’s the same thing .
Only in reality?
In alignment to YouTube’s senseless logic in this matter?
Numerous videos on YouTube  that only talk about sex on YouTube presently?

In connection to what Christianity teaches all creation in psalm 51:10?
In connection to that verse of Christianity specifically?

Such videos that only talk about sex ?
With no nudity involved?
Such videos are 
probably way worse in the concept of 
moral matters then any of the decent videos I personally downloaded that possessed simple nudity with no sexual inter course involved.

Regarding my YouTube station attached above.
In a link located above these addresses words.
In summary?
On such a subject?
That would be totally obvious when all the facts of such a scenario are evaluated and weighed properly in logic and common sense.

On such a subject I presently address here.
Clearly that is the case.
In such a subject I presently address here.

In fact.
Call a spade a spade.

That’s obvious .
Entirely  actually.

Yet I could take this subject a step further.
If I like.
And quote the following.

The Bible says David was a man after God's own heart (1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22). Most people want to take this phrase as a reference to the moral character of David. As such, David was a man after God's own heart in that he was committed to God's ways and demonstrated fidelity to God's Law.
Which is clearly what the Christian scriptures state to all humanity in this life.
Connected to psalm 51:10 actually.
By which factor?
In other words?
David was infinitely righteous before Christ and God in this life actually despite what Christianity warns humans of in deuteronomy 19:19 connected to Matthew 5:17-20.

According to facts in this life?
God and Christ totally justify David as being righteous in every way before Christ in this life , despite what Christianity warns humans of in 1st Samuel 12:1-12 and 2nd Samuel 12:1-12.

If David according to facts ,had not made the error of killing Uriah the Hittite and then sleeping passionately with uriahs wife  in this life?
Then God and Jesus would have considered David entirely righteous before Christ and God.
Despite the literal fact David deliberately fornicated totally wildly in passionate sexual intercourse  with one thousand women in this life.

The point to that statement?
1st kings 15:5 and 1st Samuel 13:14.

If David did not make that one error in the matter of Uriah the Hittite in this life ?

God and Jesus would have considered David completely righteous before God in this life.

Despite the fact David had wild sexual intercourse and slept passionately with one thousand women in this life.
And some of his concubines and wives were as young as 14.
In this life.

Yet Christianitys scriptures in a variety of places connected to Matthew 24:35 all say that Christianitys Holy Ghost along with christ and God all justified David as being totally righteous before Christ and God in this life despite the fact David had wild sexual intercourse with a thousand sexy women in this life.

And Malachi 3:6 and the Christian epistle to the hebrews both warn humans that Christ and God both remain the same and never change their view points on how they perceive righteousness in this life.


If the lord Jesus Christ and God never change?

Then obviously what they perceive to be righteousness by way of Roman’s 4:7-8 and 1st Timothy 1:9-10 would not change either.


That clearly means Christ and God enforced David as gloriously righteous in this life.

Despite the fact David was a wild fornicator in this life.
That information addressed there is clearly factual.
Regarding this existence.

On that note?
I wonder if idiotic YouTube authority figures who condemn sex in basically all facets in this life comphrehend that both God almighty and the lord Jesus Christ  fully approve of the biblical man David despite the fact David was a sex maniac in this life?

Yet Christianity and basically all facts in this life clearly verify to humans that God and Jesus are sinless .
Despite the fact David fornicated like a wild man sexually in this life,
God and Jesus still endorce   David as being totally righteous.
Despite that statement. 
In this. Life.

Which connects with 2nd John 1:10-11 in this life.


Yet YouTube authorities still condemn sex? In videos?

Despite that obvious truth just addressed?

On that note?
It sure sounds to me like YouTube authority’s on earth presently are clearly self righteously callously judging and condemning a  sinless God and a sinless christ Jesus 
On such a matter.

Because Christianity teaches humans that Christ and God justify david as being totally righteous in this life despite the fact david partied sexually with a thousand fornicating women in this life.

YouTube authority’s portray themselves as being above Christ and God in sinless righteousness before Christ and God therefore in this matter.

Because it’s obvious that YouTube authority’s on earth presently do not approve of what Jesus and God and Christianity’s Holy Ghost approve of.

Regarding the biblical man david being into many passionately nude sex scenes with many many passionately wild sexy fornicating  women in this life.

How do YouTube authority’s respond to that rational statement?

So YouTube authority figures are far better then Christ and God and Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost in such a matter therefore.
In such a matter 
Just addressed.

By way of what Jesus Christ warns humans of in Luke 12:1-3 so do YouTube authority figures realize that genesis 9:6 finds Christ and God warning humans to be be fruitful sexually and replenish the earth through wild passionate sex with one another in this life?

I suppose YouTube authority figures assume their better then God and Christ and better then Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost because of that sexual matter in Christianity too?

It’s just a question.

You supposedly  sinless YouTube authority figures on earth do obviously majorly judge and condemn God and Christ obviously majorly in such matters.

Because by way of what Christ states in  Luke 12:1-3  YouTube authority figures are supposedly  quite obviously sinless in such matters presently addressed above Christ God and Christianity’s Holy Ghost.

 Am I pouring on the sarcasm in this matter presently addrsssed just a little bit too thick?
May I ask?

It’s just a rationally addressed question.
That obviously presently needs to be asked .
In light of what is presently being addressed in writing.

You know?

But you know?

In the matter of what’s presently being addressed in this subject?
 That said? 

I’ll now say this.

Even that’s not technically the real issue with this situation. 

Regarding idiotic YouTube authority’s being terrified of nudity in videos presently in this life.

 Through Christianity’s Holy Ghost Jesus warns humans in Luke 12:1-3 that , in order to stop evils from occurring on earth ? One needs to expose evils being committed on earth. In any image or video facet available.

 That’s the real premise to that situation on YouTube presently. In this life. So YouTube authority figures are clearly willingly disobeying the words of Christianity’s Holy Ghost spoken through Jesus Christ in Luke 12:1-3 . By ridiculously forbidding nudity on YouTube. Presently in this life.

 And to deliberately mock Christianity’s Holy Ghost in such a vain way? 

What does mark 3:29 and hebrews 6:4-6 say about that matter? That’s the eternal sin. According to Jesus. 


YouTube authority figures are everlastingly screwed .for mocking what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says through Jesus Christ in Luke 12:1-3 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures therefore. Now. On that note. 

 Totally amazing . 

How nice for such strange people. 

Their damnation  is their own doing. 

I warned YouTube millions of times not to delete my rational videos. 

But rather to put an adult content warning in front of such videos. 

I vehemently warned them not to disobey what Jesus says in Luke 12:1-3 in that regard. 

They senselessly didn’t listen to my rational words. In that regard.

 That’s no one’s fault but their own. 

They’ll see what I mean by that connected to 2nd Esdras 7:29-32. Soon. . Pure and simple

Now let’s close this post by stating this.

O my.

Psalm 149:5-9 says that Christianity’s millennial saints will soon strip everyone from this era buck naked in. Public and then laugh at them.


I’ve already told you why that will soon happen on my orders.

Because people on earth today , like YouTube authority’ figures, cannot properly distinguish between nudity and sexual intercourse.

Which connects with both James 2:10-11 and Matthew 19:17 obviously.
In other words.

Regarding Christian prophesy.
Aligned to revelation 19:11.

And Matthew 16:18-19.

Whole heartedly.
But YouTube forbids nudity !
In their videos!
Woe noo!

Christianity’s saints will soon strip everyone from this era of mankind completely naked?
What will YouTube do?
If that happens?

Woe noooo!

Woe noooo!!
O YouTube??
Oooo noooo !


What I’m trying to tell you is “‘ you would have been way better off doing what I asked you to.

As opposed to what’s soon coming to earth.

Connected to psalm 149:5-9.

You idiotic YouTube authority figures.

Do note that.
Trust me on that one.

You made an incredibly idiotic choice in not doing what I advised you to do.

In such a matter.
I warned YouTube millions of times not to delete my videos.
Or I would not stop 2nd Peter 3:7-17 from commencing .💥

But you imbecilically did so ☄️anyways.

I gave you fair warning.

Millions of warnings above Titus 3:10-11 and John 9:27 is fair warning.

I warned you to put an adult content warning in front of my. Videos if you had an issue with simple nudity.

I told you I could not stop 2nd Peter 3 if you screwed me again in that matter.
I gave you fair warning.

Millions of times.

You dumb donkies.
To argue with people at YouTube , when YouTube authorities have clearly renounced the use of reason?

I’m wasting my time.

Because YouTube authorities have proven that their idiots.
Who want me to bring 2nd Esdras 13 and 2nd Peter 3:7-17.



You know what?
You need to pray I don’t die.

Connected to 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

Pure and simple.