Monday 19 July 2021

Summarizing facts:  
To andrea horwath and other ontario government figures:

@AndreaHorwath i? Its breaching people's rights to force your citizens to take an untested vaccine.

When health officials have warned people their not completely certain of the long term effects of this vaccine yet. 

Do you know how nuts that is? On the part of the government?

@AndreaHorwath any rational leader would also acknowledge that " during recent public gatherings in the united states "vaccinated people became quote sick and had to be hospitalized. Does that sound like this untested vaccine works? Or is safe?  

Hello?  Hello? Uh duh?

@AndreaHorwath ma'am, its irrational to force citizens to take a vaccine which technically has not been properly tested. It's not even a cure. For crying out loud. It's a pathetic vaccine.

And now on that note ultimately I now say this.

I visited a group of my sisters friends yesterday. 

Who specifically  reneged on a promise to assist me with my I pod.

They told me "" because I hadn't gotten the covid 19 vaccine yet"  they could not assist me with the ipod.

So I rode all the way to the other side of town which consists of some serious high  hills for nothing.

It was just irritating.

So now I write this.  To address an obvious truth.

Because I felt like I was talking to a pack of morons.

Especially when deuteronomy 28: 58 to 59 and matthew 5: 17 to 20 are written.

If God WILLS Corona virus upon you then mocking God by saying a mortal vaccine will protect you from Gods will is moronic.
Especially when john 2: 24 to 25 isiah 5: 20 and jeremiah 17: 5 all say do not trust in MORTALS for salvation  or curse matthew 5: 17 to 20 through human works in favour of corruption..

Ya know? 
These people are plain nuts.
.who trust in this vaccine above what the HOLY ghost in christianity states through jesus in matthew 5: 17 to 20...
Connected to deuteronomy 28: 58 to 59.

It's not impossible for God to will a disease upon you simply because you wickedly mock the holy spirits words SPOKEN in matthew 5: 17 to 20 through jesus.

These people who say different are freaking crazy.

I'm not perfect .

In this life.

I know that.

But I'm not crazy like these people.

To humanity today note the following logic. . Is it not rational to ask this question?

A quick question on present  functions pertaining UNTO Corona virus.

I was denied access to an associate's residence recently because this associate of mine told me her and her borders and tenants in the house she lives in as well as her husband and adult children have all gotten the vaccine.

And I hadn't yet gotten the vaccine.

So she and her family were very frightened of letting anyone in their home who hasn't yet gotten the vaccine.

My question on that note is simply this.
To this lady --If she is reading this--  i now say this.

Hello???? Hello?   

If somebody " who hasn't yet got the vaccine" because he feels perfectly healthy -is in a room with 20 other people who have gotten the vaccine then my question related to that subject is simply this.

If the 20 people who are vaccinated are worried the person who hasn't been vaccinated will give the 20 vaccinated people """corona virus " if the person who hasn't been vaccinated yet  actually has the disease to begin with  """ let's not forget that""""then " what real good is the vaccine the government's of earth are handing out for covid 19?

To begin with?

Isnt the purpose of a vaccine to make someone immune to contracting the disease from a carrier of the disease?



If one person who hasn't got the vaccine yet " and at the same time has a strain of covid 19" can actually give a person  whose already gotten the vaccine- covid 19'" then what is the real purpose to getting the vaccine to begin with?

You see?

It's crazy to think someone with covid 19 could give a person a form of covid 19 if a person has already been vaccinated for protection from the disease.


So this lady and her household of shrieking terrified lunatics " who screamed passionately at me not to enter their household if I hadn't been vaccinated yet""were obviously imbeciles.
Because only a complete imbecile would be afraid of contracting covid 19 if they've been vaccinated with a drug that makes a person immune to covid 19.


You silly lady.


That's what I should have said to this technically crazy lady.

And her household of shrieking lunatics.
I encountered last night.

If you already got the vaccine " then why would you be worried about getting the disease from someone who hasn't yet got the vaccine?

Such a lady needs to give her head a shake.
And start trusting less in the government and trusting more in john 14: 15 actually for true protection from covid 19s symptoms.

Talk about an imbeclic household of spiritually psychotic crying freaks.

Focus more on matthew 5: 17 to 20 connected to deuteronomy 28: 58 to 59.

Connected to ISIAH 5: 20 and Jeremiah 17: 5.

You dumb lady.

Also denote the verity of the following statement.

Worded rational as follows.

In this wise.

Trusting in a twisted government for protection from covid 19 while mocking the words of jesus addressed in matthew 5: 17 to 20 ain't gonna solve the problem of covid 19 for humans presently on earth. in summary.
You dumb lady.

If the words of jesus truly matter then what humans are presently doing on the subject of covid 19 technically makes no true rational sense at all.

Perfectly clear and perfectly simple.

And that's not even mentioning other relevant facts applied unto the topic of a vaccine related presently to corona virus.   
Such as the fact by the government's own admission"  the present covid 19 vaccine has not been sufficiently tested .
The government just choose to throw it out and make it  publicly accessible without properly testing the drug for side effects or dangers.

The government's of earth actually said that is factual.

Hmmnnn? That's weird.

1 comment:

  1. Summarizing facts:
    To andrea horwath and other ontario government figures:

    @AndreaHorwath i? Its breaching people's rights to force your citizens to take an untested vaccine.

    When health officials have warned people their not completely certain of the long term effects of this vaccine yet. 

    Do you know how nuts that is? On the part of the government?

    @AndreaHorwath any rational leader would also acknowledge that " during recent public gatherings in the united states "vaccinated people became quote sick and had to be hospitalized. Does that sound like this untested vaccine works? Or is safe?  

    Hello?  Hello? Uh duh?

    @AndreaHorwath ma'am, its irrational to force citizens to take a vaccine which technically has not been properly tested. It's not even a cure. For crying out loud. It's a pathetic vaccine.
