Tuesday 5 March 2024


To the reader: astonishingly  written in spiritual glory, so please do note here and now that,


before proceeding with this alarmingly wonderous blog website,

here first are 

Five wonderously fabulous factual Links to consider in addressing the functions of this wonderous Christian addressed blog website:


First link:

It’s a video discussing whether all things are possible for a God in this life. 

The video is spiritually entitled 

“”””””In connection to Luke 1:37 and 2nd Corinthians 4:4 is anything impossible for God in this life?””


Isn’t that a marvelous question?

Yes. That is a good question to present first in this website.

And it  is a matter magnificently addressed in the following links wonderful contents.




Link two is located immediately below these words.

And it is a video too .

Attached presently to this website.


In connection to genesis 3:22 of Christianity , through esoteric means unknown to all mortals in this existence so Is it actually alarmingly possible for a Deity who ate of the tree of life in prior created existences to actually psychotically devilishly manipulate the original space time continuum of the true divine leader of Christianity in this life?”

Such a video is attached below .

And it is worth watching likewise before the commencement of the functions and contents  of this blog website are addressed.




Link three is similar to the two prior links  addressed for the readers of this blog website..

With one exception…

 it gives a more in-depth factual evaluation to such a matter and subject.

Attached here in a link.

Immediately below too.


Incorporeal Esotericism 


Pure and simple.

The final links I recommend checking before the reader reads this website are as follows.

First check this.


Aw yes.

The fourth link is entitled



And the fifth and final link I recommend reading before addressing this website is as follows.


Aw yes.

That is a great link to address.

And very important is it likewise  for the readers of this blog  to consider before proceeding with this blog website .



Now, one last matter I intend to address in  writing , because it is required, before the commencement of this blog website and technically “ thesis” will now be forwarded in writing as follows.

To the readers of this website please note the following.

Sinless entities or sinless beings do not create sin.
Which includes the creation of sinful beings. 
Therefore Jesus Christ did not create this world.

And universe.
And Jesus and his Father and Mother did not create sinful humans.
If Jesus did that ‘that’s being the author of sin.


If Jesus or his True Father and Mother create sinful beings and sin that clearly means Jesus Christ and his True Father and Mother  are sinful.
On that note this needs to be properly stated in words .
Jehovah is Satan. Alias yah weh.
The prime God and creator of this terrestrial existence.

Along with Lilith.

And those two evil forces technically not directly connected to Jesus or to the Father and Mother of Jesus 
Created sin.
As did sinful deities too.

Regarding formerly righteous mortals .
Regarding previous existences.
For example in connection to isiah 5:20, or Jeremiah 17:5 of Christianity’s scriptures so here’s a rational question for humans to ponder on thatnote ?

Just for the appropriate sake of record, to humanity today note this statement.

Did saint Peter betray Jesus at the end of his life in this existence?


Yet Jesus forgave Peter.

Because Peter honoured Matthew 19:17 in this life.

Unlike Judas iscariot.

Summarize scriptural addressed facts in Christianity properly.


The following statement is obviously correct when all the facts referred to by Jesus in Luke 4:4 are analyzed.
Which is simply this.

In connection to John 2:24-25 of Christianity 
Sinful deities connected to genesis 3:22 created this sinful universe.
After Jesus specifically mercifully gave them the gift of eternal life addressed in genesis 3:22 .

In prior existences which mortals in this life are unaware of.

Even though Jesus and also Jesus christs Father and Mother are the True life givers and true absolutely divine essences of such deity gods and goddesses who created this world and universe.

In connection to what Christianity warns humans of in genesis 3:22 obviously.
After eating the ambrosiac and nectar functions of the tree of life ,certain  idiotic formerly righteous mortals who became deities through genesis 3:22’s functions  choose to create sinful mortals.

On numerous levels.
Regarding various functions which have occurred in many previous 

I now close this post with this :
2nd Samuel 24:1 aligned to 1st chronicles 21:1 both say in unison that the Jewish God Jehovah is Satan.

And Matthew 5:17’s connection to both deuteronomy 29:29, and mark 8:35 say this specific mortal existence is not fashioned for mortals .

It’s fashioned for formerly righteous deities now rebellious to Jesus.
In alignment to both 1st kings 22:22, John 12:25 and 2nd Corinthians 4:4.

And 2nd cor 11:13-15 obviously.

Which is a topic properly addressed by me.
In this blog website.
Which humans on earth presently are wise to make note of.
Pure and simple.



That said I now begin this alarming blog website.

In veridically addressed veridical veraciously veritable veracity’s.

Pure and simple


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