Thursday 4 May 2023

The people under the stairs

A musical option with marvelous subliminal Christian messages  to begin this gloriously magnificent sweet blog  website is now listed here.

For those who enjoy music.

Watch ‘Happy Go Lucky Gentleman ‘ on youtube

The following blog website gives humanity an appropriate summary of all the relevant facts of this existence ‘’in images videos and with words, for a purpose of an appropriate testimony of various facets of this existence which obviously factually relate to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christendom specifically.

Watch Andre the giant meets Chevy chase in nothing but trouble on YouTube

Watch The Blues brothers American Travellers Cheque scene: On YouTube

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before the fatidical vaticinal prophetic functions referred to by Saint John in revelation 21:1-3 are placed into proper  motion by the spirit of Christian prophesy.

Some images words and videos may be controversial.

Yet that’s what Jesus Christ warns humans to commit themselves to in this life regarding the words addressed by Christ in Matthew 10:26-27.




And ‘now’ it is on that note that I begin this blog website with the following information addressed.

To stop evil? Says Jesus. You honor Luke 12:1–3.

That’s what Jesus says.

Watch Monty pythons the holy grail  clips mon YouTube


summary . Regarding Christianity. 

Yet does anyone on earth ever truly🤪 do 🤡that? 🥳Honor Luke 12:1–3 specifically in this life?  In this life? I’m just curious.  

No one today obeys Jesus there.

Watch Christ feeds the hungry at Christmas 2023 on YouTube

Watch The Flintstones Double trouble On Youtube

Christianity also says ‘’’ without true love for Jesus ‘’ a person is nothing.


And John 14:15 connected to 1st cor 13:2 and Matthew 19:17 says what? On that note?

No wonder 2nd Peter 3:7-17 is written.

Connected to what I righteously warn all humans of  on earth presently here.

Which aligns with 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 and presage 102 of the quatrains of Nostradamus…

Earths present inhabitants were so foolish not to follow my simple instructions on how to keep christs holy simple laws attached to Matthew 5;17-20 on that note….

Touring spiritually psychologically as well as molecularly into this.

2nd Samuel 24:1 connected to 1st chronicles 21:1 warn humans that the God of Israel is Satan in this life. 

On that note.

Which connects to 2nd cor 4;4 Roman’s 2:9-10, and 1st kings 22:22.

2nd cor 11:13-15 and Ephesians 6:

10-12 and 2nd Esdras 14:46-48.

Regarding genesis 3:22 and many formerly righteous beings to Christ , in previous existences , now opposed to Jesus and masquerading as mortals in human form on earth presently.

With the supposed impossible invention of time machines.

Connected to 2nd cor 4:4 and Luke 1:37:…

Aw yes.

 evil spiritual deities formerly faithful to Jesus.

Whom I will soon confront.

When I fulfil 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

When I bring ragnarok and this existences last 300 years.


As all Christian prophesy connected to both Luke 4:4 and 2nd Peter 1:19-21 give testament to.

When I destroy such devilish deities.

And abase them.

As c5q79 of the quatrains of Nostradamus state .

In this life.

Aligning Luke 14:33.

And then I will  put this existences millennial Christian saints in charge of this life.

Where such devilish deities will be completely naked and serve Christianity’s millennial saints in this life.

Regarding what I warn all humans on earth presently of here.



The real holy Godhead of Christianity along with Christianity’s millennial saints wisely hide in a secret compartment of this present formation of this universe until I fulfil 2nd Esdras 7:29-33 and then bring ragnarok.

Where I then resurrect myself and begin to annihilate the present heavens rulers.

The present heavens idiotic dangerous corrupt deities.

Who are obviously presently wickedly opposed to Jesus and the Holy godhead of Christianity.

Meaning my idiotic half brother Jehovah and all great deities who presently rule the present heavens.

As I explain to all in this life here.

As rev 20:7-10 also warn all beings presently in this life.

such powerful devilish deities are soon doomed.

If I die.

As are all mortals on earth too presently .

Who wickedly  hearkened to modern technology which mercilessly tortures Mother Earth in countless ways.

Every second of every day.

Over the last 300 years of this existence.

Regarding this present formation of this existence.soon I will save Mother Earth from that horrific agony.

Regarding mortal devils on earth putting jets and trains and  cars and other devilish modern technology wickedly infinitely  above Christs ten simple commandments hypocritically in countless ways.

Various members of 

Earths present inhabitants both devilish  mortals and devilish immortals  also forsook the decency of solar energy transport regarding modern inventions.

So such beings could make themselves rich and mock Christs simple holy Ten Commandments  in this formation of this present created universe likewise.

Courtesy of Luke 1:37, rev 16:13-14, 2nd cor 4:4, and the idiotic powers totally hypocritical devilish deities presently possess over  Christ and yours truly.


In incredible unforgivable self righteous deviant infinitely unholy ways.

They continue to do this too.


Even today.

Til I fulfil 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

And bring a new heavens and new earth.

When I destroy such deities .

By ressurecting myself from my pending temporary death.


Then I put Christianity’s millennial saints in charge of this existence.

Where this existences newest deities will righteously strip all devils both deities and mortals of the last 300 years completely buck naked .

And then periodically subject such evil devils

 to painful whippings of the new devilish flesh such evil beings will be resurrected into.

As 1st cor 15:32-56 and the functions of Ezekiel 

36 obviously warn all of basically.

In this life.

O my yes.



O yes indeed in truth.

The spectacular holy truths spoken in Christianity brought to light


For devils in this life at last.


Courtesy of me.

All devilish deities and devilish mortals too.

Will be subject to such grand holy Christian prophesies.

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

Isn’t that totally wonderous?

People of earth today?

Aw yes.


And very good.


In fact.

In connection to c10q97 of the quatrains of Nostradamus .

Obviously too.

O yes.


All devils of the last 300 years who mercilessly destroyed Mother Earth callously for deviant infinitely perverse reasons in countless idiotic hypocritical unforgivable atrocious ways.


Ooo yes.

Ooo yes.

They’ll all be stripped buck naked and chained and whipped.

In a strange miraculous reversal of the human aging process.

Connected to 2nd Peter 3:7-17 and revelation 21:


To relive their lives as naked slaves.

Of Christianity’s millennial saints who reigned with Jesus on this earth from 667 to 1667 ad.

Which obviously is a spiritual mirroring of Ezekiel 36. And the valley of bones.

Referred to by Christianity in Ezekiel 36:

Such a statement also reflects 1st cor 15:32-56.

Aw yes.

Regarding such statements as well as the millennial reign of Christ on earth in this life.

As I prove here.

With human historical facts attached in such a site.

Addressed in that link too.

You see?

For all today to give witness to.

Aw yes.

Precisely people.



Such saints addressed by St. John in rev 20:1-10  will soon reign this universe.

For the last 300 years of this existence.

Courtesy of me.

And 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

O …..dear me o my… ooo   Yes. Oooo …my dear Jesus ……yes.

As also 2nd Enoch 33:1-12 , psalm 149:5-9,, and Jude 1:14, warn all humans in this life.


Just so humans on earth today who read this are aware of this.

Connected to what Jesus says in Luke 12:1-3obviously.

O my yes.




On the new earth.

As the preceding information I just transcribed in writing properly correctly explains.

Connected to 2nd Peter 3:7-17 and rev 21:1-3.

Before the final judgment of my father Jesus Christ.

Concluding those 300 years.

Courtesy of me.

The fulfillment of c5q79 of the quatrains of Nostradamus.

Which obviously means, of course, that rev 22 comes only after those 300 years are completed.

As I explain everywhere for humans also here.

In over a decathalon of 100 blog websites.

In the early posts such blog websites are attached to that site in links.

O my yes!

Blessed babe Jesus ! On that note. O my yes!

Ooo yes!! Yes!

Yes indeed in truth!!!

On that note in a jolly spirit I now say this to everyone in this formation of this existence.

Earths present inhabitants,?

Pray I don’t die soon.

In this formation of this existence.

 on that note.

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