Wednesday 12 July 2023

The following website summarizes various important concepts which apply to this existence.I begin with this information. 


Worded as follows.

 Two major 

human calendars say 5500 bc years.

Connect that with various ancient Jewish and Christian documents which say 5500 b c years will occur in this existence before Jesus arrives on earth.

This obviously connects with 2nd Peter 3:7-8 and psalm 90:4, 10, and 2nd Enoch 33:1-12 which says one day with God in this life is a thousand years.

And a thiusand years one day.

Obviously 2nd Enoch 33:1-12 is clearly saying to humanity therefore that their will be a total of eight thousand years in this existence.

Then Time ends in this existence.

And eternity begins.

Yet not before a reversal of the human aging process takes place.

As c4q97 and c5q41 of the vaticinal statements of Nostradamus state to humanity  in this life.

Upon the 7th millennial dawn of the 7th millennial day a twice blessed partially seraphic figure will Roman Gaea, combatting spiritual wickedness until earth is renewed.’’’

Which obviously means revelation 21:1-3 is not the end of time in this existence.

Revelation 21:1-3 is the beginning of the brass age.

Regarding the last 300 years of this specific existence.

When the changes referred to by Nostradamus in his prophesies in various places become reality for humans in this life.

As revelation 21 also states ‘’’ Behold I make all things new.’

Says God to humanity in revelation 21: in this life.
Which includes time in this life.

At least once.

All things means all things in this life.

So the beginning of rev 22 is the beginning of eternity and 

The end of time in this life.

Not rev 21.

5500 b c years .
2500 a d years.

which total 8000 years. In total.

Designated and 

Assigned by Christ as time 

in this existence.

Yet in the year 7700 just prior to the 7th portion of the millennial sabbath before Christ , c9q17 of the prophesies of Nostradamus say ‘’the golden age passes and is dead.

Then the 300 year brass age commences.

When a new heavens and new earth appear.
I explain this subject properly for mankind in this life here.

Study. Evaluate. Watch ""We Have No Doubt We Saw The Devil": Hunting The Monster Of Lake Labynkyr | The Unexplained Files" on YouTube

I read a science journal  magazine in around the year 1999 when I was a kid.
I wish I’d photo copied it.

Because I don’t remember what journal or magazine copy it was.
Anyways , the magazine said that ‘’’ a group of world  renowned 

Got together

 over a course of about seven years periodically and did a study on the 

 earths minerals and crust.

At the conclusion of the study it was concluded by this group of scientists that the earth mankind lives on this existence is no older then eight thousand years in age.


That’s what their study found.

After numerous hours of intense study.
By world renowned scientists.

Around the year 1999 a d.
But they key word there?
In my opinion?

It’s the word ‘’’existence.’

Because ancient Christianity and Judaism say that ‘due to human iniquity and also feuds amongst gods too ,in prior existences , God destroyed prior existences created by God.

Aligning genesis 3:22, 2nd cor 11:13-15, and Luke 1:37 of Christianity.
How does that connect to this subject?

What does that mean?


Particles from previous formerly created existences floated in the cosmos before this terrestrial existence was created by the Jewish God and other gods too  in this life specifically.

Until this existence was created.

Where the Jewish God Jehovah recreated the goddess Gaea to be his slave girl in this life .

And made her to be pleasing to him positioned in the heavens.

As the psalms of David say.

The earth is my foot stool.
So  then, after this existence was created , various particles of former created existences landed on earth in this life.

Much more senescent then this existence.
Which is why some scientists become confused about how superannuated the earth is in this life specifically.

Reflective of 2nd Peter 3:7-17 for example.
Because numerous particles from former destroyed existences land on earth in this life.
These particles are obviously older then this specific earth.

On numerous levels.


Because their were many previous existences also created by God.

As Hebrews 12:28-29 warns all in this life.

Which confuses scientists.
Now, on the matter of this video ?

Even on land their are many places to hide on earth.
Where many times geographically even cell phones don’t work.
Most creatures created by God in this life are not dumb. With the exception of a few, most are actually intelligent.

Some probably more so then humans. You know? 

Especially today.
In fact ancient Christian and Jewish doctrine says that the created man  Adam literally talked with all the creatures created by God in the Hebrew language ,

The animals and Adam talked verbally 

With their voices.
To each other.

Til eve disobeyed the command of God  to not eat of the tree of the knowledge between good and evil.
And listened to Satan and told Adam to eat of it too.
When that happened Adam lost the ability to communicate verbally with his voice to all other terrestrial creatures.

And many of them took on a different nature towards Adam.

Except the Phoenix 🦅 bird.
Because of that sin.


Because the phonemic bird was the only creature created by God to not eat of the tree of forbidden fruit.

The grape.
Which is why 
The phonemic bird explodes into flames and then is reborn after a thousand years.

In this life.
But all other creatures are subject to death mostly in this life.

Because all other creatures listened to eve when she told them to eat of the forbidden fruit and be merry with it.

Because of that sin.

All other creatures are subject to death in this existence.

O my yes.

Ancient Christianity and Judaism too teaches humans that God created many monsters too in this life.
That roam earth.

They know how to hide from humans. And they do hide mostly from humans. Because humans are not trustworthy.
As Isiah 5:20, Jeremiah 17:5 and John 2:24,25 state .

In this life.

I explain all this here for humanity in this life.



Pure and simple.

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