Saturday 13 January 2024

Through images videos and words the following website summarizes the relevant facts of this life before the Christian vaticinal statement of Nostradamus made in c5q41 of that prophets prophesies are placed ultimately into motion by the spirit of Christ in that which pertains unto this existence:



Leviticus 19:35-37 connected to Matthew 5:17-20 tells humans to summarize this existences facts fully with whatever means which happen to be available on earth at any and all conjectures in time in this life in which a human happens to be on earth.

That clearly means any means.

Including  pictures images films videos and words.

🌺🌈💥💫🪐🌪🌻🌞🌟🔥⛄️💨 🎯



Summarizing this life through videos images and words.
Including this video here

Just for the appropriate sake of record.

Luke 12:1-3 basically warns humans of that matter and subject too.

In short, in order to stop Satan and evil spirits from destroying humanity , through mendacious deceitful inventions for example regarding humans in this modern technological day and age so this is obviously what Jesus says  humans must do.

If humans choose to remain in human societies.

For example.

Regarding humans dwelling on earth in this day and age for example.

Lest through deceit evil spirits destroy humans at this point in time through various deceits attached to modern technology in this present time period regarding this existence of man.

Regarding certain conjectures in time in this life, so, for the record, that is clearly where humans are specifically at , at this conjecture in time in this life.


So on that note let the reader be aware that “that specifically “ is what I intend on doing and what I obviously do here too in this blog website.

I leave no stone unturned in this subject .

For the Appropriate sake of record too.

Just for the appropriate sake of record. Let the readers of this website note that 

Jesus says to humans in this life in a connection of Leviticus 19:35-37 with Matthew 5:17 wholly, that mortals are to appropriately summarize all the relevant facts of this life properly in order to stop the deceit of  evil spirits in this life.

All evil spirits actually.

And “”” so “” on that note?


that is precisely exactly what this blog website shall do.

And in connection to various links and blog websites I attach here?

 I shall leave no stone unturned in such a matter I am presently referring to,  too.

Let the reader rationally note that statement there.




On that note. The reader is made aware of that subject and concept.

Regarding this blog website.

About to be addressed to humanity on the internet here on earth.

Or as it is otherwise addressed as the World Wide Web.



Now on that note?

 in connection to what Jesus Christ advises all humanity of in Luke 4:4 of Christianity so I now proceed with the subjects and  contents of this  sacred blog site.


Ready  ? Set?  GO!


Ready- set -go!

This life is a


Over and out on that note  people. And here we go!.  Pure and simple.

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