Wednesday 24 January 2024

The following is a summary of c10quatrains 73-to 75 of the quatrains of Nostradamus. For all humanity. And creation.


In connection with this link here.

 The following is a summary of c10quatrains 73-to 75 of the quatrains of Nostradamus.and the connections those quatrains of Nostradamus have to all humanity today. Addressed For all humanity. To all humanity today, as well as all creation. Regarding this present terrestrial as well as spiritual existence and universe. Aligning a full summary of relevant thing Jesus Christ forwards to all mankind in this life in Christianity located in Luke 4:4 of Christianity’s scriptures. Pure and simple.

Upon the 7th millennial dawn of the Jewish Gods millennial sabbath day, in alignment to psalm 90:4-10 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures,

a twice blessed partially angelic pro creation in this life will walk gaea’s  grounds  combatting spiritual wickedness at every turn , til a miraculous reversal of the human aging process takes place in this specific existence.”””, 



To the readers of this blog website.

Through images videos and words

the following website summarizes the relevant facts of this life before the Christian vaticinal statement of Nostradamus

made in c9q17 of that prophets prophesies are placed ultimately into motion by the spirit of Christian vaticinal prophesy in that which pertains unto this existence:

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